
stimulant Modalert Modafinil Smart drug

Modalert (Modafinil) is a memory-improving and mood-brightening psychostimulant. It is thought to work by affecting certain brain chemicals that control the sleep/wake cycle and is proven to enhance wakefulness, attention capacity and vigilance.

Increasing numbers of students use Modalert. The benefits of Modafinil use as one of the study pills or neuroenhancers are substantial and proven. It's consumption at several leading American and British universities is quite common among students seeking a competitive edge in exams, where drug-testing is not yet routine.

There are a number of significant differences between Modafinil and traditional cognitive enhancers such as Ritalin and Adderall. Subjectively, it feels a lot smoother and cleaner. It is also much less likely to cause feelings of anxiety, jitteriness or excessive locomotor activity. The instance of hypersomnolent 'rebound effect' is also much lower.

Modafinil is often used to help people stay awake during work for people with work schedules that interfere with a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder). It is also used in the treatment of sleep disorders such as narcolepsy & sleep apnea.

The US military are interested in Modafinil too. It was reportedly used by Allied combat soldiers in both Gulf Wars and Iraq. It was also used by Astronauts on the International Space Station.

Experimentally, Modafinil is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; depression; attention-deficit disorder (ADHD); myotonic dystrophy; chronic fatigue; amnesia and jet-lag.

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The US military are interested in Modafinil.  too. It was reportedly used by Allied combat soldiers in both Gulf Wars and Iraq. It was also used by Astronauts on the International Space Station.

Modalert (Modafinil) is a memory-improving and mood-brightening psychostimulant. It is thought to work by affecting certain brain chemicals that control the sleep/wake cycle and is proven to enhance wakefulness, attention capacity and vigilance.

Increasing numbers of students use Modalert. The benefits of Modafinil use as one of the study pills or neuroenhancers are substantial and proven. It's consumption at several leading American and British universities is quite common among students seeking a competitive edge in exams, where drug-testing is not yet routine.

There are a number of significant differences between Modafinil and traditional cognitive enhancers such as Ritalin and Adderall. Subjectively, it feels a lot smoother and cleaner. It is also much less likely to cause feelings of anxiety, jitteriness or excessive locomotor activity. The instance of hypersomnolent 'rebound effect' is also much lower.

Modafinil is often used to help people stay awake during work for people with work schedules that interfere with a normal sleep routine (shift work sleep disorder). It is also used in the treatment of sleep disorders such as narcolepsy & sleep apnea.

The US military are interested in Modafinil too. It was reportedly used by Allied combat soldiers in both Gulf Wars and Iraq. It was also used by Astronauts on the International Space Station.

Experimentally, Modafinil is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; depression; attention-deficit disorder (ADHD); myotonic dystrophy; chronic fatigue; amnesia and jet-lag.

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shift-work sleep disorder, ADHD, depression, obesity, and chronic fatigue syndrome

SMART DRUGS. The scientific name of these drugs is Nootropics

These drugs are also known as memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers.
Nootropics don’t exactly make you smart if you are stupid, what they do is enhance your focus, your memory, your motivation, your attention, your mental clarity and your cognitive abilities.
In a word, they help you focus.

Modalert Modafinil
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